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Apartment The entrance of the apartment opens to a spacious living room with its own entertainment center and dining table. The bedroom has nice beds with down pillows and an additional seating area with a pull-out couch.A walk in terracce is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the stunning views.Pets are allowed.Central located.Free WiFi,Bed linens, pillows,towels and toiletries are provided and included in the price.Essentials,sheets and blankets also suitable for allergy sufferers. Comfortable and quiet, modern quality high furnished fully equipped. Public transport and quickly Airport connection. During their stay, even a washer and dryer is available.Free on street parking. Subway will takes you fast to the main train station and reach to places what would like. There's someone there who gives you the keys at the portal by upon your arrival will handed out to you. Private Bedrooms is completed furnished with king bed,single bed,double bed,sofa bed and private bathrooms with shower.The bathroom has a toilet and a large waterfall shower.Heating,Air Conditioning,wardrobes,Tea and Coffee Maker in Room,cupboard,flat-screen cabel TV,Safety Deposit Box,Luggage Storage,shelves,Lamps,chairs,desk,table,Drying Rack, mirror, night table,Trouser Press,dining table, Everything is there what you need.

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